Rand Comedy Productions produces various shows throughout Southern California & Arizona, including Comedy for a Cause. Every Comedy for a Cause show is produced in partnership with a local charitable organization that receives a portion of ticket sales, after expenses. Come enjoy a good laugh while helping a great organization.
Animal Fire Rescue's mission is to provide Animal Rescue Training to any agency that would benefit from learning how to save animals using Fire Rescue Standards, and to provide that training in conjunction with other agencies, because joint training leads to smooth inter-agency calls.
Rand Comedy Productions produces various shows throughout Southern California & Arizona, including Comedy for a Cause. Every Comedy for a Cause show is produced in partnership with a local charitable organization that receives a portion of ticket sales, after expenses. Come enjoy a good laugh while helping a great organization.
Animal Fire Rescue's mission is to provide Animal Rescue Training to any agency that would benefit from learning how to save animals using Fire Rescue Standards, and to provide that training in conjunction with other agencies, because joint training leads to smooth inter-agency calls.
No refunds or exchanges.
Ages 21+
Rand Comedy Productions produces various shows throughout Southern California & Arizona, including Comedy for a Cause. Every Comedy for a Cause show is produced in partnership with a local charitable organization that receives a portion of ticket sales, after expenses. Come enjoy a good laugh while helping a great organization.
Animal Fire Rescue's mission is to provide Animal Rescue Training to any agency that would benefit from learning how to save animals using Fire Rescue Standards, and to provide that training in conjunction with other agencies, because joint training leads to smooth inter-agency calls.