Hilariously Discharged is the ultimate stand-up comedy show that brings together the funniest veterans from different branches of the military. Produced by Joshua Higuera, an Army veteran, this show aims to create a community of veterans who can bond over their unique experiences while enjoying some good old-fashioned humor. With years of experience under his belt, Joshua is a force to be reckoned with in the world of veteran comedy, and his passion for producing rib-tickling performances is unrivaled. His goal is to bring veterans together to show them they are not alone. So, come and join us for a night of laughter and forget all your problems at the door. Get ready to be hilariously discharged from your seat all night long.
10/25/2024 10:00 PM

Door Time: 9:00 PM

Other Showtimes

Hilariously Discharged is the ultimate stand-up comedy show that brings together the funniest veterans from different branches of the military. Produced by Joshua Higuera, an Army veteran, this show aims to create a community of veterans who can bond over their unique experiences while enjoying some good old-fashioned humor. With years of experience under his belt, Joshua is a force to be reckoned with in the world of veteran comedy, and his passion for producing rib-tickling performances is unrivaled. His goal is to bring veterans together to show them they are not alone. So, come and join us for a night of laughter and forget all your problems at the door. Get ready to be hilariously discharged from your seat all night long.

No refunds or exchanges.
Ages 21+

Hilariously Discharged is the ultimate stand-up comedy show that brings together the funniest veterans from different branches of the military. Produced by Joshua Higuera, an Army veteran, this show aims to create a community of veterans who can bond over their unique experiences while enjoying some good old-fashioned humor. With years of experience under his belt, Joshua is a force to be reckoned with in the world of veteran comedy, and his passion for producing rib-tickling performances is unrivaled. His goal is to bring veterans together to show them they are not alone. So, come and join us for a night of laughter and forget all your problems at the door. Get ready to be hilariously discharged from your seat all night long.